Minggu, 25 September 2016

My Unforgettable Moment

Heyyy it is me Dwi hehehe. I want to tell you about my unforgettable moment. hehehe. Okeyy i will start my story now. I hope you will enjoy my story. I have an unforgettable moment in elementary school. Actually, in my first day at elementary school. Maybe, when i was 6 years old.

okeyyy here's my story...

When i was 6 years old, i'm started to studied in elementary school. My elementary school is located in front of Supratman field. It was my first day in elementary school. I met a lot of new friends. One of them is my classmate. We talked a lot of think until the bell rang. After the bell rang, my friend and I decided to walked around the school. We talked about a lot of thing too. But, when we were talked about everything. I didn't realized that there was a big stone in front of me. So, i fell down because that big rock. 

After I fell, i woke up and saw my knee. There was a lot of blood there. And I just saw that blood without asked someone to helped me. Instead, my friend and I made fun of my injury. Like, looked the blood's colour is red cool right. And, I'm just laughed like nothing happened. Suddenly, we decided to went back to our class. When my teacher saw my injury she was so shocked. So, she tried to cleaned my injury. 

Finally,  it was time to went home. My mother came to school of course to picked me up. And,.... yesss she was shocked too. like there was a big injury in her daughter's knee. Finally we arrived at home. My mother cured my injury, it was so hurt. So, I screamed loudly. Like aaaaaaaaaaa my knee why it is so hurt aaaaaaaa mommm please stopppp i can't stand it aaaaaaa mommmmmm. But, I can't continued my beautiful scream :( . Why?? hehehehe can you try to guess it??? because i'm a little bit forgot about the reason why i stopped my beautiful scream. Maybe, because my mom gave me a lot of chips. So, i ate all of the chips happily. 

This is my unforgettable moment why?? like i'm so proud of me. Because I can laugh happily although my knee was injured. Like others child will crying when they fell down. And, I'm just saw my knee and made fun of it. Maybe, when i got that injury I just think like this injury never made me die so just keep calm and enjoy the day

And, I think my story have a moral value that we must be happy although we have a big problem. we must solve our problem but, don't think like the problem is the end of world. Do it happily, and don't let the others people know about your problem. 

yessss, maybe this is the end of my story. Sorry for my bad English. And, thank you so much for read my story. I hope you enjoy my story. See you on my other story byeeee....

Minggu, 18 September 2016

Favorite Place

Hi it’s Dwi again hehehe. Now i will tell you about..... jejejengggg hahaha sorry for make you wait. Yeah now i will tell you about my favorite place. My favorite place is Yogyakarta, especially Gunung Kidul. Because, my grandmother house was there hehehe.  Have you ever go there??? That place was cool especially for food. Some food in Gunung Kidul are delicious and cheap. I think that i can taste all food in Gunung Kidul hehehe do you want to accompany me???  Hahaha okey forget about my dream hehehe

Okey why i like Gunung Kidul?? Because in Gunung Kidul you can go to a lot of tourist attractions. You can go to waterfall, cave, beach, montain, and other beautiful places. You can see the map under this text.

But, i’m just want to tell you about 3 beach that i have been visited them. First, i will tell you about Baron Beach. Baron Beach is very beautiful. Beside this beach is a beautiful big rock. Wahhhh it’s so beautifull especially if you see this view from that big rock. Uwahhh it’s a little bit scary but, you can see a wonderful view. See the wave moving and crush some people hahaha that was cool. Like the wave is playing bowling. And the pinball are the people. Hehehe okey forget about my joke. When my family and i go there, we just spent 2 hours there. Why?? Because there was a lot of fisherman boat, it was smell fishy. Because, there was a lot of fisherman boat.

From : Goggle map photo (Baron Beach)

 Now, i will tell you the second beach. The second beach is Drini beach. This beach is also beautiful. When my family and i go here, holiday for some school and some office was end. So, the beach is sooooooo quite. Like this beach was our private beach hahaha. oww in Drini Beach there was some fisherman boat too but it wasn’t smell fishy. I don’t know why it can be different with Baron beach.

From: Goggle map photo (Drini Beach)

I have a bad experience at Drini Beach. So, when my family and i arrived at Drini Beach i felt so happy. I wanted to played with beach’s water. But, when my family and i arrived the beach was susided. So, i can’t find some water. So i decide to go forward, but i didn’t realized that there was a big wave. And, i just stood there saw the wave came. But, my father held my hand and pulled my hand to the safe area quickly. I just wanted to cry because my slippers was lost. :’( okey it’s not about the slippers it’s about my life. Maybe if my father didn’t helped me L i can’t write this story on my blog, i can’t meet my family, my friends, my crush anymore. L maybe now i’m still drowned in the centre of the ocean and nobody can find me L. Thank you my father you saved my life. I love you, i need your help so please don’t go stay here with me, with our family. Keep your health, and don’t get too tired okeyy.

Heyyy who put this shallot here??? It make me cry L

Okey forget about it. We have to leran from past to make a good future J. Hahaha why i become so smart. Hahaha but i think that sentence is false hahaha. okey continue to the third beach. The third beach is Indrayanti beach. This beach is beautiful too. A lot of people recommend this beach. So, my family and i decided to go there hehehe. Wahhhh, it was so beautiful. And i like this beach, why??? Because there was some good facilities. So, we can spend our time there comfortably. When my family and i wanted to went back to home, my sister and i decided to took some picture. You can see my photo under this text hehehe

Ahaaa i have a recommended place for you what is that??? It’s like Bukit Bintang in Bandung but it’s located in Gunung Kidul hehehe. It’s called Bukit Pathuk. Here, you can see a wonderful view like in Bukit Bintang in Bandung. You can see the view under this text hehehe.


So, after read my story about Gunung Kidul. Do you want to go to Gunung Kidul???

Okeyy this is the end of my story hehehe. I’m not good in English so i’m so sorry there are a lot of mistakes in my story hehehe. thank you for read my story in my blog hehehe byeee see youu.

Sabtu, 17 September 2016


Heyyy, it’s me again hehehe. okey now i will tell you about my school event. At 10th September 2016 there was an event from my school. Guess whatttt...... okey i don’t want to make you wait too long. So, let’s start the story...

Yess, last week my school SMAN 3 Bandung made a event. Do you know that??? Hah?? You don’t know it?? Hemmm you didn’t came to that event right??? Okey don’t be sad i will tell you about it.
Megantara is culture festival from SMAN 3 Bandung at 2016. Last year, culture festival from SMAN 3 Bandung was Gamarvani. So, i think every year there will be different name for culture festival from SMAN 3 Bandung. Megantara guest star was extracurricular from SMAN 3 Bandung, RAN, The Changcuters, UKM kesenian Bali, Putra Giri Harja 3, Darul Hikam, Studio Puri Hamdani, and other guest star. Megantara’s media partners were ARDAN Radio, ARDAN SCHOOL SQUAD, Belia, PROVOKE!, Trans 7, Pikiran Rakyat, Galamedia, Info Bandung, Tribun Jabar, Mangle, and Info Pensi. And Megantara’s sponsor were Pesona Insonesia, Tirtawening, Fruit tea, Bandung Eye Center, UBER, Pos Express, Telkomsel, Telkom Indonesia, and others sponsor.  

Before open gate, my friends and i was joined a culture parade. We was wore kebaya cloth. It was cool but but it was tiring too. I was thirsty and hungry. I can’t eat some food and i can’t drink some water. Because, my bag was in Bali field. Hufttt okey forget about my feeling hehehe. but, you can see the parade under this text hehehe.

Okey back to the Megantara, Megantara was held in Bali field. Megantara was divided to 6 spot. First, it was Java spot. Here, you can play some traditional game from Java,you can make a batik cloth, you can play traditional music from Java, and you can buy some food there. But, some food that sold in Java spot was not traditional food from Java. And, the other spot was not sold some traditional food too. Maybe just 3 or 4 stand that sold some traditional food. So, if all stand sold some traditional food this event will more awesome.

Okey next to the other spot. Second, it was Sumatra. Third, it was Kalimantan. Forth, it was Sulawesi. Fifth, it was Papua. And the last one was the stage. Why i write them all now??? hahaha because this 5 spot were located at soccer field in Bali field. So i will them here hehehe. Hey do you want to see Megantara's stage here you are

Okey in soccer field there were a lot of stand of food. I wanted to bought all of food in Megantara but, my money and my stomach can’t accept my wish. So, i just watched the show in front of the stage. The show was great, it was about Indonesian culture. And, i wanted to wathed The Changcuters and RAN. When it was 8 p.m. (i’m afraid i’m false) The Chancuters show was started. It was cool the audience was very compact. You can see the video under this text.

From : Instagram emmerilkahn

And, finally it was 9 p.m. (i’m afraid i’m false) RAN show was started. Yeayyy i’mm so excited. But, when the show started i felt like stupid people that didn’t knew anything. Because, i didn’t knew RAN’s song so i just stood there and saw othe people was sang the song happily. And, i’m just ha?? What song it is??? I never heard this song before. Yesss, and finally Megantara was finished at 09.30 p.m. that was a great event. I’ll never forget this event.

Hey by the way have you ever see my face hehehe. You can see my face under this text. I'm the one who use glasses.hehehe.

Okey this is the end of my story. If you came to Megantara you must be remember about it. And, know you are smiling after remember some good memories at Megantara. Sorry for my mistakes L because nobody perfect right??? hehehe okey byeeee see you..... thank you for read my story....

Celebrate Indonesian Indenpendence Day


Hiii it’s me dwi, you don’t bored with me??? Hahaha thank you very much. I hope you lie my story. Okey i will tell you something about my school. Oke let’s start!!!!

SMAN 3 Bandung have a different schedule from other school. What is that?? Hemm am i need to tell you about this?? It is not important for you. So you can go away.....hushh.............GO................AWAY................... to the minimarket hehehe. Maybe you are thirsty when read this story. So you can buy some water, milk, youghurt, soda, tea, coffee, hemmm it’s sound tasty. And, if you have a lot of money you can send me some drink hehehe i will accept it happily. Hahaha okey back to the story. This story it’s not important, it can’t make you beautiful, it can’t make you handsome. But, maybe it can make you laugh. It’s just MAYBE okeyyy hehehe. So don’t take it seriously.

Okey back to the topic, the different schedule is, class X in SMAN 3 Bandung have a sport lesson on Saturday. Yessss.. maybe you will think that i’m lying. Hahaha nope, i’m serious. I know you will think that WHATTT Saturday is a rest day from weekday. Saturday is a homework day. Yess i’m think about it too, but look from positive side. You can meet your friends, and maybe you can meet yout crush. Hahaha i know that you are smiling now hahaha. i know that you are smiling now. hahaha i think i’m false hehehe i’m sorry hehehe.

Back to the topic again, at 27th August 2016 was different with other Saturday. Why???? WE HAVE TO GO HOME AT 5 P.M.. Hahaha you think i’m lying??? Hahaha yesss i’m lying hehehe. sorry for my bad joke hehehe it’s not funny right?? Hehehe i like to make someone laugh but my joke are not funny L so i’m trying to be active. But, i’m afraid that my friends will think that i’s overactive. Hufttt, you have a lot of friends right??? Hahaha that’s not enough. You have to find some best friend that will accept you when you are happy or sad. Best friend is an important thing that can make you happy beside your family.

Okeyyy now i will tell you about 27th competition. This competition was for celebrate 17th August. Yesss for celebrate Indonesian Independence Day. There was tug of war or tarik tambang, dodgeball, and a game like rugby but the ball was a sponge that filled with water so we have to collect a lot of water from that sponge. That was a great day, in tug of war my friends and i thought that we will lose. But, God gave us some strength, so my class won tug of war from X MIPA 1, X MIPA 6, and X MIPA 4. but i’m not sure with some class that we beat, because it was two weeks ago. So, i’m a little bit forget about it. Sorry for my mistake i’m so sorry.

Then, we played sponge rugby. We played sponge rugby in soccer field at Bali field. I’m not joined my friends at this game. Because i’m still tired after played tug of war. So i’m just watched my friends ran, catched sponge, ran, and catched sponge. It looked tiring. Yessss, maybe my class still tired from tug of war so my class lost. After that, we moved to bangsal and then, played dodgeball. Yahhhhh, my class lost again, now we lost in dodgeball game L. Huftt, it’s so sad when we were lost. But, we won at tug of war and that was a great moment. I will remember tug of war moment. Yesssss, it was a great day right. We have feel when we are win a game, lose a game, and hungry. Hahaha the last one is just kidding.

Maybe it’s enough, i think the story is too much. So thisithe end of my story. Thenk you for read thisn story J. Sorry for my mistake and sorry for my bad jokes. Hehehe, okey byeeee see in the other story