Sabtu, 17 September 2016


Heyyy, it’s me again hehehe. okey now i will tell you about my school event. At 10th September 2016 there was an event from my school. Guess whatttt...... okey i don’t want to make you wait too long. So, let’s start the story...

Yess, last week my school SMAN 3 Bandung made a event. Do you know that??? Hah?? You don’t know it?? Hemmm you didn’t came to that event right??? Okey don’t be sad i will tell you about it.
Megantara is culture festival from SMAN 3 Bandung at 2016. Last year, culture festival from SMAN 3 Bandung was Gamarvani. So, i think every year there will be different name for culture festival from SMAN 3 Bandung. Megantara guest star was extracurricular from SMAN 3 Bandung, RAN, The Changcuters, UKM kesenian Bali, Putra Giri Harja 3, Darul Hikam, Studio Puri Hamdani, and other guest star. Megantara’s media partners were ARDAN Radio, ARDAN SCHOOL SQUAD, Belia, PROVOKE!, Trans 7, Pikiran Rakyat, Galamedia, Info Bandung, Tribun Jabar, Mangle, and Info Pensi. And Megantara’s sponsor were Pesona Insonesia, Tirtawening, Fruit tea, Bandung Eye Center, UBER, Pos Express, Telkomsel, Telkom Indonesia, and others sponsor.  

Before open gate, my friends and i was joined a culture parade. We was wore kebaya cloth. It was cool but but it was tiring too. I was thirsty and hungry. I can’t eat some food and i can’t drink some water. Because, my bag was in Bali field. Hufttt okey forget about my feeling hehehe. but, you can see the parade under this text hehehe.

Okey back to the Megantara, Megantara was held in Bali field. Megantara was divided to 6 spot. First, it was Java spot. Here, you can play some traditional game from Java,you can make a batik cloth, you can play traditional music from Java, and you can buy some food there. But, some food that sold in Java spot was not traditional food from Java. And, the other spot was not sold some traditional food too. Maybe just 3 or 4 stand that sold some traditional food. So, if all stand sold some traditional food this event will more awesome.

Okey next to the other spot. Second, it was Sumatra. Third, it was Kalimantan. Forth, it was Sulawesi. Fifth, it was Papua. And the last one was the stage. Why i write them all now??? hahaha because this 5 spot were located at soccer field in Bali field. So i will them here hehehe. Hey do you want to see Megantara's stage here you are

Okey in soccer field there were a lot of stand of food. I wanted to bought all of food in Megantara but, my money and my stomach can’t accept my wish. So, i just watched the show in front of the stage. The show was great, it was about Indonesian culture. And, i wanted to wathed The Changcuters and RAN. When it was 8 p.m. (i’m afraid i’m false) The Chancuters show was started. It was cool the audience was very compact. You can see the video under this text.

From : Instagram emmerilkahn

And, finally it was 9 p.m. (i’m afraid i’m false) RAN show was started. Yeayyy i’mm so excited. But, when the show started i felt like stupid people that didn’t knew anything. Because, i didn’t knew RAN’s song so i just stood there and saw othe people was sang the song happily. And, i’m just ha?? What song it is??? I never heard this song before. Yesss, and finally Megantara was finished at 09.30 p.m. that was a great event. I’ll never forget this event.

Hey by the way have you ever see my face hehehe. You can see my face under this text. I'm the one who use glasses.hehehe.

Okey this is the end of my story. If you came to Megantara you must be remember about it. And, know you are smiling after remember some good memories at Megantara. Sorry for my mistakes L because nobody perfect right??? hehehe okey byeeee see you..... thank you for read my story....

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