Rabu, 05 April 2017

Hiii it's me, last week my friend Salsabila N. D. and I made a crossword.
If you have some free time you can try to solve our crossword.
 And, don't forget to visit my friend blog too. Thank you 😄😄😃😃


1.       The first and eighth note of a major scale
2.       Ask someone earnestly for something
3.       An aim or desired result
4.       The antonym of dead
5.       Oily or greasy substance occurring in bodies
6.       The antonym of dumb
7.       A word used to refer something belonging to the person the speaker is addressing
8.       Keep and store up something in the past
9.       Large mammals of the family Elephantidae
10.   Liquid obtained from fruits or vegetables
11.   A preposition to explain a period of time
12.   A shade or variety of color
13.   People in Train to Busan run away from this
14.   The synonym of pig
15.   The pointed/rounded end of something slender/tapering 


1.       Anserini
2.       Knife, hammer, etc. Are tools for ...ing someone
3.       The day before today
4.       Sciuridae
5.       The synonym of common, mutual, corporate
6.      A thing made from glass, marble, clay
7.       Used when the weather is hot
8.       The synonym of great, fabulous, terrific, superb
9.       A tool used for chopping trees
10.   Capra aegagrus hircus
11.   The baby is very ...
12.  The movement of air

Dewa Athena

I want to tell about my experience for participate in dewa athena. Dewa Athena is a sport competition that have been held for a long time in SMAN 3 Bandung. Maybe in others school they call it "porak". But in SMAN 3 we have Dewa Athena or sometimes we call it Dewath

On Saturday at 25th March 2017 and 1st April 2017. SMAN 3 Bandung held some sport competitions. There were 9 competitions, basketball (for boys), badminton (for boys and girls), futsal (for boys and girls), volleyball (for each class), tarik tambang, gobak sodor, and relay running (for each class). When we played in Dewa Athena we had to wore our jersey.

On the first day, I played tarik tambang, futsal, and volleyball. Alhamdulillah my classmate and I won tarik tambang, futsal, and volleyball. We were so happy to won that competition. Why?? Because our purpose to played that competition was we didn’t pay the fine. The fine was Rp 100.000, expensive enough right?? So, we didn’t have to pay the fine and we won the competition yeayyy. Be sides that, my class won gobak sodor competition. And, boys from my classmate play basketball and futsal. But, I didn’t watch it so I didn’t were they defeated or won hehehe.

On the second day, I played tarik tambang, badminton, and volleyball. Alhamdulillah we won tarik tambang and volleyball competition. But I defeated the badminton competition L. But I have to accepted this J. Be sides that, my classmate played relay running, futsal, and, gobak sodor. Alhamdulillah we won relay running and gobak sodor.

The last day of Dewa Athena is on 8th of April. In the last day we have to play tarik tambang, volleyball, relay running, and gobak sodor. In that day we have to compete our senior to  determine who is the winner of the competition. But before that, we have to join a program named “Paman Gober”. Paman Gober is a program from SMAN 3 Bandung, first we wil cycling and the we will plant some trees.

I’m so excited to participate in that competition. I hope my class can win all the competition hehehe. I think this is the end of my story thank you for read my story hehehe. Byeeee…

This is my photo with my classmate and Daniya X IPS 2, She is our liaison organizer

Minggu, 12 Maret 2017

Learn from Nature

            When we talked about nature, maybe we will think about beautiful view, fresh air, clean water, and others thing of nature. We can find nature everyday and everywhere. Because we need nature, like we have to breath every time so we need air so much. And, imagine when you can’t find clean water for drink maybe we just can be alive for 3-5 days.
            So what we have do to take care of nature? We can do a lot of thing to take care of it. First, we just have to throw away your garbage to the garbage bin. It’s just a little thing but some people still throw away their garbage everywhere. Second, we can plant some tree in our yard or you can do reforestation. It can increase oxygen in our earth and make this earth beautiful again. Third, change our bad habit. Like turn off the lamp when it doesn’t needed anymore, and others bad habit. That’s just some example things that we can do to take care our nature. So what we have done to nature?
            We can get a lot of things from nature too. In nature, we can get some foods and medicines. if we want to eat some foods or we need some medicines we have to search it first, it can’t instantly come to our house. But, in this period we can find some foods and medicines in supermarket or traditional market. And, we can get some materials to make our house but remember don’t cut too much tree if it just for make a house. And the most important thing that we get from nature is fresh air. Even the airs in this period are not too fresh anymore but we still can breath every time.
            Nature, if we see the others side of nature you can learn from animals or plants. First lesson from nature is we have to be brave. If we are not brave to do some new thing, we just have to wait when we will die. We have to learn this lesson from bird, imagine if bird can’t fly or swim maybe in the next day some lion will eat them or it will die in starvation. And another lesson that we can get from nature is love yourself and be grateful. God must be have some purpose for make this nature. For make this nature beautiful, there must be have some different from each others. So, let's live together with nature.

Minggu, 08 Januari 2017

Hiii guys today is the first day of school in 2017. How about your holiday in 2016 hehehe. Now, I will tell you about my holiday. Honestly, I’m just lay in my bed. But, at 28th of December 2016 I went to my grandmother house in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. I leaved from Bandung at 1 a.m. with my father and my sister because my mom is already there. Now I will start the story about my holiday in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

Yess, I always spend my holiday in Yogyakarta. why?? Because my father and my mother are from there. Sometimes I feel bored because I never spend my holiday except Yogyakarta. But now, I’m feel happy to go there. You can find anything you want in Yogyakarta.  Food??  Theme park??  Beach?? Mountain??. I recommend you to go here hehehe. I have some review about tourist attraction in Yogyakarta you can scroll my blog. It’s about my favorite place. Oww sorry I forgot to tell you about my holiday hehehe.

Okeyy, I leaved Bandung at 1 a.m. why?? Because at 1 a.m. there’s no traffic jam in Bandung like you are the owner of the road. And, finally I arrived in my grandmother house at 6 p.m.. I stayed I Yogyakarta for 3 days. 

In the first day, I went to my cousin house in Wonogiri. When I spent my holiday there I feel so bored because I didn’t go anywhere I just stayed in my grandmother house. In new year eve, I just spent my time with my phone scrolled timeline, opened instagram and see my friends who celebrated the new year eve with fireworks.But, even I can’t saw some fireworks in new year eve, I can spent my time with my beloved family. Because in the weekdays we can’t spend our time like this. We cooked together, laughed together, and others.At 1st of January 2017 I leaved from Yogyakarta at 6 a.m.. hehehe. I can't tell you what I did when I was on my way toYogyakarta and to Bandung. Because I just sleep hehehe. 

In Bandung I spent my holiday in my bed again. I watched some anime hehehe. The anime is about 3 girls that work in a cafe named Rabbit house. They have 4 bestfriend that are so funny. i reccomend you to watch this.