Minggu, 12 Maret 2017

Learn from Nature

            When we talked about nature, maybe we will think about beautiful view, fresh air, clean water, and others thing of nature. We can find nature everyday and everywhere. Because we need nature, like we have to breath every time so we need air so much. And, imagine when you can’t find clean water for drink maybe we just can be alive for 3-5 days.
            So what we have do to take care of nature? We can do a lot of thing to take care of it. First, we just have to throw away your garbage to the garbage bin. It’s just a little thing but some people still throw away their garbage everywhere. Second, we can plant some tree in our yard or you can do reforestation. It can increase oxygen in our earth and make this earth beautiful again. Third, change our bad habit. Like turn off the lamp when it doesn’t needed anymore, and others bad habit. That’s just some example things that we can do to take care our nature. So what we have done to nature?
            We can get a lot of things from nature too. In nature, we can get some foods and medicines. if we want to eat some foods or we need some medicines we have to search it first, it can’t instantly come to our house. But, in this period we can find some foods and medicines in supermarket or traditional market. And, we can get some materials to make our house but remember don’t cut too much tree if it just for make a house. And the most important thing that we get from nature is fresh air. Even the airs in this period are not too fresh anymore but we still can breath every time.
            Nature, if we see the others side of nature you can learn from animals or plants. First lesson from nature is we have to be brave. If we are not brave to do some new thing, we just have to wait when we will die. We have to learn this lesson from bird, imagine if bird can’t fly or swim maybe in the next day some lion will eat them or it will die in starvation. And another lesson that we can get from nature is love yourself and be grateful. God must be have some purpose for make this nature. For make this nature beautiful, there must be have some different from each others. So, let's live together with nature.

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